52062How does one come up with the idea of getting scammed voluntarily, filming the whole thing on top of it? We spoke to Kees van der Spek about his TV show "Oplichters in Het Buitenland" and the most dangerous situations he has been in.
If there is one thing you will come across no matter where you travel then it's the chance to get scammed. Any city in the world has a small, but active caste of crooks that seeks to part you from your hard-earned cash thorugh deceit, lies and even violence. We are exposing 3 travel scams that have been around forever.
Women approaching men never leads to a happy end: it is either soliciting, begging, prostitution or: the slick attepmot of luring you into a well thought-out bar scam. Watch a Dutch camera team exposing the standard protocol of a Budapest bar scam through a well-hidden camera.
156679In the US a barkeeper will count the cash register in front of you if one dollar seems missing. In Eastern Europe barkeepers will try any trick under the sun to part you from your hard earned cash. Learn how to avoid the most subtle bar scam that is raging in any city East of Warsaw.
From language barriers to fighting off scam attempts all the way to fighting in the literal meaning of the term: Traveling isn't always easy. We are bringing you 5 field tested tips that will help you stay out of harm's way when traveling abroad.
Ukraine Violence: What really to expect
Any traveler going to Ukraine will ultimatively ask himself this question: "How much will I be affected by the war in Eastern Ukraine if I visit the country?"
There is a simple answer to that question.
Namely, this one: unless you actually go to Eastern Ukraine you will not be affected at all. One...