0720Some call them YouTube Sensations. We call them the absolute freakshow. Meet 3 individuals who will make you mumble "What the fuck is this?" while you're staring at the screen.
23293If there was one thing setting Europe apart from the rest of the world it would be capitalism. We are introducing three bright minds and their explanation why modern day capitalism emerged in Europe first.
01783Europeans of today have lost touch with one of the most striking movements in political theory of modern times. We are introducing a freedom-based worldview that is long-forgotton in the Old Continent.
21675Does anybody on earth still watch TV? Or has the YouTube app taken over? Whatever it is, there was a time when you were young and TV was still cool. We are looking into the life of 10 men who didn't make you change the channel when one of them was on.
87784It was not Eminem. Not was not Janet Jackson, either: One of the best-selling pop acts of the 1990s came from the heart of Europe. Ulf Ekberg, founder of Swedish pop phenomenon Ace Of Base, talks about the band's way to success, the upsides of filesharing, and why great pop music always comes from Sweden.
01409What is it like to take 120 taxi rides in a city that has just seen nothing but riots, death and burning buildings? Read the account of a man who mastered post-revoutionary Kiev not on foot, not by Metro, but by Taxi exclusively.
02544Delving into the decade that gave us so much in terms of value — and cringeworthy experiences. Introducing the best pop acts of the 1990s we are taking a stroll down memory lane: Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop - it is all there and unforgotten.
12791"We don't have adults like we once did to teach, provide safe forums to grow and mature for their children, to mentor them," says Justin Hunt. The American filmmaker has worked for a decade on the growing problem of fatherlessness.