046751 matches saw only 108 Goals. The EURO 2016 was not exactly a shoot-em-up. We are looking a the top 3 goals that nonetheless were rather spectacular.
0417Many feel that Portugal's victory was undeserved. We are looking into Portugal's way to the finals, delivering reasons why even a not-so-good team can deserve to win the title.
01148Meet the three players who have excelled in the EURO 2016 tournament. Unsurprisingly, all-time favorite Christiano Ronaldo does not rank number one.
0784From the European 'Chair Throwing Championship' to stage-ready songs and comedy, it was the fans who made the Euro 2016 an true event. We are presenting the Good, the Bad - and a brandnew category in European football fans.
0420Even though failing when winning mattered the most,, 'Les Bleus' are anything but out of the equation. Quite to the contrary, the French have a bright future ahead of them.
1497There is one team in the EURO 2016 that shows all signs of disrupting the game. We are telling you who might just land the surprise stunt of the year.