A Two Weeks Notice Letter
After deciding to quit your job and move on to a new job, you need to give your employer with notice of your intent to quit at least two weeks before you quit.
You need to write and place a polite yet firm two weeks notice resignation letter informing your boss of your intent to quit.
Preparations for Leaving
- First, prior to writing the notice letter, hint to your boss that you will be leaving. Don’t tell your co-workers before your boss.
- Second, tell your close colleagues and mentors personally – ideally face-to-face. It is not right for someone who has been influential or important in your growth to hear of your departure through the office grapevine. These relationships will likely transcend your current job so preserve them even as you move on to a new job or something else.
- Third, setup a transition plan by spending the two weeks planning your exit and tying up loose ends. Work on an exit plan setting out your responsibilities and provide suggestions for others who could assume these task once you are gone.
What to Write and How to Write It
When drafting the two weeks, notice letter makes a clear and concise statement. The first line needs to make it clear that you will be leaving your position at the end of a two weeks period. Resist using wording that suggests you are unsure of your departure or willing to stay longer waiting for the right counteroffer.
Good example:
“This letter serves as an official notice of my resignation from company XYZ as an accountant effective on 17th Jan 2017”
“I resign as an accountant at company XYZ effective 17th Jan 2017, two weeks from 3rd Jan 2017.”
Bad example:
“I would like to quit my position as an accountant. Please let me know what time frame would be most convenient for you. ”
“If all goes as planned, I intend to resign from my position with the company two weeks from now.”
Give Your Employer At Least Two Weeks Notice
Most employees are not obligated to submit two weeks notice but doing so is still considered professional courtesy. Quitting sooner than two weeks may be considered unprofessional by future employers. If the company is entering a busy period, a four weeks notice is better instead.
Senior executives and other crucial employees in the food chain should consider giving a month notice or more. A good rule of thumb is to give notice for an amount equal to the vacation time allotted to your position.
Don’t State Your Resignation Reason
If your actual reasons are somehow volatile or you are leaving the company on bad terms, avoid stating those terms in your official notice. If the company policy requires you to state your departure reason, please follow their instructions.
If your co-workers ask your reasons for departure, you can always tell them off the record, but not in your official resignation letter.
Be Formal and Friendly
The tone of your two weeks notice should be professional. The letter itself should be written using the most cordial tone as you have been with your employer in the past. Don’t be so professional that you seem to be cold and stiff.
If you have communicated with your boss in a firm, professional manner, then continue with that in your notice period. Use a personal tone, but not casual or sloppy.
Good statement: “I am very thankful for the experience and growth working for the company.”
The resignation letter will be the last document in your personal file/folder with the company so leave a good impression. Even if you hate the job and company leave the bridges intact rather than burning it behind you. This employer may be contacted as a reference so leaving on good terms is important.
Thank Your Employer
The resignation letter should include a line thanking your employer and the company for the opportunity and the experience you gained while working for the company. Acknowledge that the job contributes something to your life, even if the cons offset the pros.
Let your employer know that you will finish any major projects you are currently working on. Completing any pending tasks will be seen as a final act of responsibility and loyalty. Assuring them that you will finish pending projects that could flop without your support guarantees that you leave on good terms.
Completing the pending project should also include your post-resignation support. In the two weeks’ notice make yourself available to help with the transition to reduce any rocky patches. Even after your departure provide phone numbers and emails that the company can contact you if any help from your side is needed.
To conclude, close on a polite note such as “I will always be thankful to your and the staff of XYZ company for all that you have done for me.
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