Why You Must Travel As A Young Man
It is a little known fact regarding personal development that starting the journey of becoming the best man that you can be depends on where exactly you start that journey.
Dating & being proactive
Just take the dating scene, for instance. A simple and honest expression of your intent often will often not lead to the results you desire. Sometimes it will even lead to no results at all. However, acting aloof and as if you were not really interested in the girl you are talking to might just hit the nail on the head and gets things rolling.
The same goes for leadership or a “can do” attitude. If you had a great idea that you wanted to put into practice within your social group then simply taking the lead and encouraging others to do the same will often be met with skepticism and rejection. You (allegedly) did not consider the others’ individual needs enough, you are “too fast” and thus “overwhelming” or even “rude”. Setbacks and excuses of that kind can go on and on.
Be that as it may, here come the good news: It’s not about you. If you had spent a decent amount of time in other parts of the world then you could easily tell that nothing is wrong with you here. It is them, not you. Many environments outside of what is known as the Western World will allow you to develop a more natural attitude towards women while they will also encourage you to take the initiative and not try to hinder you. The “slow down!”-argument that many proactive men are confronted with is by no means an eternal truth.
What traveling can teach you
These are just two reasons why traveling and spending time abroad should play an integral role in your journey of self-development
Here come three more reasons why traveling should be a cornerstone in your individual journey of improving yourself.
Traveling comes natural
Let’s face it: traveling is nothing I would have to convince you to do. For an abundance of reasons the idea of traveling and seeing the world is engraved into us humans. Be it that you have always wanted to see what Japan is really like or that you were looking to settle down in one of the best countries for men – traveling has always been around, it is now up to you to turn the idea into reality.
Traveling sharpens your planning skills
From packing your suitcase over booking flights and accommodation to navigating around a new city that you set foot in before: Traveling requires all kinds of organizational skills. That new and enabling environment will not come to you, you will have to get yourself to that new environment. Once you start putting things together you will soon realize that you are already partaking in some kind of business-like endeavour. Only that the ‘product’ in the making here is not for sale, but is the shaping of your very own path of self-improvement
Traveling makes you a richer man
…in the proverbial meaning of the word, of course. Unless you were only going after the most washed-out tourist locations exclusively, traveling will ultimately have you acquire these two key social skills: For one you will learn how to adapt to unknown customs and cultural patterns. Second and almost more importantly: You will pick up on another language. And frankly, I could hardly think of any other quality for the aspiring worldly man than being fluent in several languages. Learning a new language will not only be key in order to connect with the locals, it is also a profound skillset that no one can take away from you. Indeed, not even you yourself could do that ‘by mistake’ as it is simply impossible to just “forget” about a language you once learned. Your language skills might turn a bit rusty over time, but you’ll be surprised how easily that knowledge can be reactivated should the need arise.
The world literally is out there. All you need to do is reach out and make it happen. Mind you that traveling or changing your current environment comes in many shapes. If you don’t want to dive into a new and exotic country head first simply because you are currently lacking the funds or the time, then simply consider starting out with ‘domestic traveling’ first. Here you can begin with the smallest first step imaginable: you would be surprised how much of a difference moving to the next bigger city will make in your overall life.
In regard to self-improvement traveling should in any case reside at the very top of your to-do list.
In that sense, are you packing yet?
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