718436Kiev remains an undiscovered destination for most Western Europeans. What is living in post-revolutionary Kiev like? And: what does it cost? We are examing pricing and quality of living in Ukraine's capital of over 3,5 million people.
01399What is it like to take 120 taxi rides in a city that has just seen nothing but riots, death and burning buildings? Read the account of a man who mastered post-revoutionary Kiev not on foot, not by Metro, but by Taxi exclusively.
Anyone who has experienced nightlife in Russia and Ukraine will have to say a thing or two about the local door nightclubs' door policies: getting in can be anything but. We are presenting one tweak that will deminish your chances of getting 'face-controlled'.
156678In the US a barkeeper will count the cash register in front of you if one dollar seems missing. In Eastern Europe barkeepers will try any trick under the sun to part you from your hard earned cash. Learn how to avoid the most subtle bar scam that is raging in any city East of Warsaw.
888643Not in the US, not in Australia, not in Asia. The best cities for single men are found in Europe. Get a grip of three fabulous cities for the sinlge men located in the hear of the Old Continent.