If there is one thing you will come across no matter where you travel then it's the chance to get scammed. Any city in the world has a small, but active caste of crooks that seeks to part you from your hard-earned cash thorugh deceit, lies and even violence. We are exposing 3 travel scams that have been around forever.
12111What are the essential items to pack into your toiletry bag when you are traveling? We are stripping your dopp-kitt down to the essentials without which you would be helpless. Toothbrush, deodorant and shower gel are obvious - but what deserves place in your toiletry bag before anything else?
Women approaching men never leads to a happy end: it is either soliciting, begging, prostitution or: the slick attepmot of luring you into a well thought-out bar scam. Watch a Dutch camera team exposing the standard protocol of a Budapest bar scam through a well-hidden camera.
4043071Budapest might just be the most thriving metropolis in the whole of Central Europe. Needless to say that the city's nightlife is on.par with that of Hamburg, Vienna or Barcelona. We are guiding you around the Jewish Quarter, Budapest's prime nightlife area.
Anyone who has experienced nightlife in Russia and Ukraine will have to say a thing or two about the local door nightclubs' door policies: getting in can be anything but. We are presenting one tweak that will deminish your chances of getting 'face-controlled'.
156693In the US a barkeeper will count the cash register in front of you if one dollar seems missing. In Eastern Europe barkeepers will try any trick under the sun to part you from your hard earned cash. Learn how to avoid the most subtle bar scam that is raging in any city East of Warsaw.
11235Part 3 in our series "The Essential travel packing list for men". Meet two items that you should never forget: they may just save your life one day.