41563Albert Einstein, Barack Obama and the Queen of England can't be wrong: Berlin's Hotel Adlon is Germany's most luxurious hotel. We spoke to Managing Director Emile Bootsma about Budapest, "poor, but sexy" Berlin and the benefits of having a good sense of humor.
77767It was not Eminem. Not was not Janet Jackson, either: One of the best-selling pop acts of the 1990s came from the heart of Europe. Ulf Ekberg, founder of Swedish pop phenomenon Ace Of Base, talks about the band's way to success, the upsides of filesharing, and why great pop music always comes from Sweden.
13728Welcome to one of the most interesting cities in Europe. Fashion, design, history, culture and even high-tech - Milan has it all. With the reputation of being a cold commercial hub for many, Milan in fact is teeming with options for the cosmopolitan traveler.