326441A credit card here, a business card there: The average man's wallet gains weight fast and easy. We are introducing a stylish alternative to carrying a wallet that won't fit into your pocket anymore: the timeless men's accessoire of the money clip is the perfect men's gadget for the upcoming summer.
06178What is the créme de la créme of countries to live in? Comparing the cost of living, English proficiency, dating options and the local cuisine we get to the bottom of which country might just be best to live in.
246253One downside of carrying a Swiss Army Knife with you is its shape: take it with you for long enough and you are sure to have it make any of your pockets baggy - if not get a hole in them. The Victorinox Swisscard solves that problem for good.
01406What is it like to take 120 taxi rides in a city that has just seen nothing but riots, death and burning buildings? Read the account of a man who mastered post-revoutionary Kiev not on foot, not by Metro, but by Taxi exclusively.
11766This high-tech gadget is flying up to 500m above ground and that at an impressive maximum speed of 100 km/h. Produced in China the Ehang 184 is the world's first Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV).
03870"A magic dwells in each beginning", says German poet Hermann Hesse. "Apply some dating science", say the 3 essential first date tips that will skyrocket your dating success.
01098"McFly you bojo, those boards don't work on water!" — Well, this one does. Developed by Japanese car manufacturer Lexus the hoverboard named 'Slide' is as close to Back To The Future II as it gets.
12784"We don't have adults like we once did to teach, provide safe forums to grow and mature for their children, to mentor them," says Justin Hunt. The American filmmaker has worked for a decade on the growing problem of fatherlessness.