13728Welcome to one of the most interesting cities in Europe. Fashion, design, history, culture and even high-tech - Milan has it all. With the reputation of being a cold commercial hub for many, Milan in fact is teeming with options for the cosmopolitan traveler.
12159With over 2500 years Sofia is one of Europe's oldest cities and overflowing with history. After Roman and Ottoman rulership It was communism that 25 years ago left the city for good. Ever since Sofia has been going back to the cosmopolit metropolis it always was.
14243Germany's third largest city is not only the power house of Southern Germany, it also features a two-sidedness travelers are not always aware of. We are bringing you the undiscovered side of Munich: the men's edition.
46301Who would consider Copenhagen a preferable travel destination for men if one could go to Rome, Warsaw or Berlin instead? WE do. Denmark's capital of 560.000 people has a rich culture of extravagant bars that are competing for your attention.
25697Germany's capital is teeming with options for the traveling man. From world-renowned vintage car salons over World War II bunker tours to the secret prisons of the former GDR regime — Visiting Berlin is a lesson in recent history.
25269Having joined the European Union only in 2004 Poland of today is about to be the fourth Scandinavian country in terms of economic development. Its capital Warsaw is a thriving metropolis that has a lot to offer to the traveling man. Rooftop bars anyone?