12136With over 2500 years Sofia is one of Europe's oldest cities and overflowing with history. After Roman and Ottoman rulership It was communism that 25 years ago left the city for good. Ever since Sofia has been going back to the cosmopolit metropolis it always was.
21477Why long for the distance if Europe is rich in astounding beaches? Learn about three small and exclusive European beaches that spark thoughts of warm blue water & hot white sand.
31588A unique blend of car salon, event center and car museum, Berlin's Classic Remise is a living example of Germany's car culture. We are introducing one of Germany's prime locations for the modern car aficionado.
0783What is nightlife on a cruise liner like? Will I be surrounded by old folks during the day time? What is going on daytrips like when your cruise liner has anchored in an exotic destination? We got a former staff member to dispel some myths about cruise line holidays.
Be it Mediterranean cruises or vacationing on a cruise ship that connects Norway's Fjords, Europe is teeming with cruise line ships. While the guest experience aboard is similar to that of a well-established hotel, little is known about life and work behind the scenes of life and workd onboard of a cruise ship.
06175What is the créme de la créme of countries to live in? Comparing the cost of living, English proficiency, dating options and the local cuisine we get to the bottom of which country might just be best to live in.