162394"Among the Silverback Gorillas the Alpha Male has limitless access to females. The other, beta males watch from a distance while they masturbate."
11492Stuck in a miserable situation? Your next chance to travel is lightyears away? Then go on a virtual mini-vacation that will help you bridge the time until you can go traveling again. We are introducing 3 types of digital mini-vactions that show light at the end of tunnel.
21559Albert Einstein, Barack Obama and the Queen of England can't be wrong: Berlin's Hotel Adlon is Germany's most luxurious hotel. We spoke to Managing Director Emile Bootsma about Budapest, "poor, but sexy" Berlin and the benefits of having a good sense of humor.
31588A unique blend of car salon, event center and car museum, Berlin's Classic Remise is a living example of Germany's car culture. We are introducing one of Germany's prime locations for the modern car aficionado.
25678Germany's capital is teeming with options for the traveling man. From world-renowned vintage car salons over World War II bunker tours to the secret prisons of the former GDR regime — Visiting Berlin is a lesson in recent history.
156678In the US a barkeeper will count the cash register in front of you if one dollar seems missing. In Eastern Europe barkeepers will try any trick under the sun to part you from your hard earned cash. Learn how to avoid the most subtle bar scam that is raging in any city East of Warsaw.
888643Not in the US, not in Australia, not in Asia. The best cities for single men are found in Europe. Get a grip of three fabulous cities for the sinlge men located in the hear of the Old Continent.